Marcella Atti

Marcella Atti

Marcella Atti

Italian born Bondi local Marcella was just on her way for a quick surf when we bumped into her and her fiance (congratulations you two!) Alex Tucker when we bumped into her.

What is your Bondi story?

“When I moved here from Ferrara (Italy) in September 2010 and I figured there was this place in the world where I could live at the beach and work in a city, I was hooked.

I guess the long story short is I fell in love with the ocean and realised how the people that live in and around it are my kind of people.”

How do you spend the first hour of your day?

“I love an early morning! I usually get to a 6am Pilates class followed by a coffee at Birichina whilst looking at the ocean.”

Harbour Bridge

Harbour Bridge

Circle in the Sand

Circle in the Sand