Amber Taylor

Amber Taylor

Amber Taylor

Well this was a surprise. When we arrived at the pool last Thursday Amber, who works at The Crabbe Hole, had her intimate and detailed drawings on display. She takes inspiration from her surroundings and so there are lovely little pieces of the pool, the café and the local area. Prints of her drawings are for sale.

“I moved to Sydney in 2022 from the UK to be closer to family. I chose Bondi in particular as I've always lived by the beach so to me it's comforting and familiar. I have been living in Bondi on and off for around a year but finally settled in January more permanently once I started working at The Crabbe Hole who are truely my Bondi family. After I graduated University in the UK I wanted to have a break from an academic environment to seek adventures and specially developing my creative side. When I'm not working I might do some yoga or have a coffee with a book, and I try to paint as much as I can but when I have less time I usually draw from my surrounding wherever I happen to be that day.  I'm motivated by finding a secret spot on the coastal walk or a secluded café, usually surrounded by a scene with a lot of detail so a beautiful building or a busy beach. Bondi is especially motivating to paint or draw since there's so much beauty in the busyness everywhere you look. My favourite drawing is my first one which is of the cafe since I find there's so much detail in the everyday that often gets overlooked and even something that can look disorganised or hectic can be quite refined.”

Crocs & Socks

Crocs & Socks

Jacqui Butterworth

Jacqui Butterworth