An Exile from Iran on the Beaches of Australia - The New Yorker

Bondi Fresh Daily’s newly appointed New York correspondent Pip Cummings sent us this piece over night, and has agreed to let us include her covering email below. The waters of Bondi Beach heal in unexpected ways.


Hi you two!

I’m loving Bondi Fresh Daily and am not sure if this quite fits your curatorial remit, but wanted to point out this beautiful New Yorker piece that went live just yesterday, about an Iranian asylum seeker who has been finding great comfort in visiting Bondi and getting into the waves.

In Iran, he grew up by the beach and was a lifeguard in Tehran for 22 years. He arrived in Australia by boat - an altogether different relationship with the ocean. He talks about surfing the way everyone talks about surfing, except it is apparent that what he needs to leave behind, be free of, not think about when he is in the waves is more burdensome than for most.

A tie-in would seem to be Chapter #47 in General Thinker [THEM=US]. And at a personal level - for so many of us - a fresh start that doesn’t deny the past.

I love this piece. It’s one of those rare ones that really opens up other worlds.


Pip xx

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