Bondi History/People | Ropers Seaside Pharmacy

Bondi History/People | Ropers Seaside Pharmacy

Bondi History | Ropers Seaside Pharmacy

Ropers Chemist aka “Seaside Pharmacy” has been a fixture up at North Bondi since 1963. John Roper, whose father was the original pharmacist, has noted some changes over the years:

+ No trams. The Bondi Tram used to stop right in front.

+ There used to be 3 butchers, 2 cake shops, a real milk bar with real milk shakes and a real barber shop. “Not of the hipster variety!”

+ Increased density. The neighbourhood has become more desirable since the sewerage upgrade. That story HERE. But, the beach is much the same. The streetscape is the same … just busier.

Top 5 Questions that People at Ropers Get Asked by Visitors to Bondi

Where’s the ferry?

Can you tell me how to get to Bondi beach?! (John tells story that is obviously a family favourite about the American who can’t believe that THAT is the world famous Bondi Beach!).

Where are aboriginal carvings?

How do you get to the coastal walk?

Where do you buy bus tickets?

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