BONDIWOOD from 5 to 8 October at Bondi Pavilion REMINDER

BONDIWOOD from 5 to 8 October at Bondi Pavilion REMINDER

BONDIWOOD from 5 to 8 October at Bondi Pavilion REMINDER

There’s an interesting film festival happening at the Bondi Pavilion next week.

This from BONDIWOOD festival director Haydn Keenan:

“Like many good ideas, this one started as a joke around the table one night. We were talking about casting and crewing a film just from people who live in Bondi. It didn’t take long to pull together a full team of high quality people for our imaginary production. Talk turned to all the work these people had turned out and as we spoke the number of feature films, documentaries, hours of TV, music videos and shorts began to pile up. It was quite extraordinary. The output of this little bay has been quite phenomenal.

From Oscar nominees, to Cannes entries, international box office smashes, music videos seen millions of times, and multi award winning features – it was a treasure trove of material. Why not put it on a screen somewhere, curated to show off the breadth of production. With the Bondi Pavilion having just had nearly $50m spent on it and the new theatre up and running that had to be the place. Waverley Council jumped at the idea and we were off and running.”

Check out the programme of films and local filmmaker talks on the BONDIWOOD website HERE.



Happy Anniversary Bushy and Beachy!

Happy Anniversary Bushy and Beachy!