Catherine Stallman and Winston

Catherine Stallman and Winston

Catherine Stallman and Winston

We really enjoyed meeting Catherine on the grass at the south end recently.

Catherine has been a Wayside Chapel vollie for many years. She’s also a passionate collector of things left behind on the beach, “I have an eye for it now!”. She scours the beach every morning and picks up bits of clothing or towels or whatever can be reused (making sure it doesn’t belong to someone just having a swim), takes them home, gives them a wash and donates them to Wayside’s Op Shop.
Declan Bowring from ABC Digital got wind of this and earlier this week followed her around for a few hours with a film crew. It was just after a hot weekend so the haul was huge! To see the video go HERE.

“The first hour of my day involves a large cup of tea while solving Wordle and Connections (Snap! That’s why she felt like a kindred spirit!). Then across Campbell Parade with Winston to mix it up with the other local dogs.
I was one of six kids.
Dad, Peter Smidmore, had a pharmacy in Hall Street for 42 years. Bondi Amateur Swimming Club was my life from about 1970-1980. Spent many summers at 5th ramp 1977-1980 . Currently loving life in Sir Thomas Mitchell Road.”

Promenade Markings

Promenade Markings

Matt Hill

Matt Hill