David Leser

David Leser

David Leser

Journalist and author David had been living in the Northern Rivers area in NSW before moving to Bondi (Byron Bay -> Bangalow -> Bondi [Ed: See the pattern?]) in 2012. He’s a regular at the Icebergs where we often bump into him.

If you would like to know what draws David to the pool you should read his piece for the Good Weekend earlier this year. It is the loveliest of love letters and captures what many of us feel about this place.

Swimming is about more than exercise. It’s about solace, meditation, emotional sustenance. And at this picturesque pool on the edge of Australia’s most famous beach, it’s also about community.”

The first hour of David’s day goes like this: pretty well always the same: hot lemon juice, a roll call in my mind of ten things I’m grateful for, then a 20 min meditate, then I head down to Icebergs for a workout, swim and coffee.

To delve into any other of David’s thoughtful writings go HERE.

Felicitas Mussit Tiscornia

Felicitas Mussit Tiscornia