Dear Bondi Fresh Daily Readers ...

Dear Bondi Fresh Daily Readers ...

Dear Bondi Fresh Daily Readers,

The end of year break is upon us … and the BFD editorial team have upped stumps and driven to South Australia … kids, highways, podcasts, motel rooms, smuggling-dog-into-said-rooms, the full deal.

So … we’re on a break for a couple of weeks and will be back in Bondi from 11 January 2016, to pick up where we left off.

2016 will be an interesting year for our fledgling blog. We have lots of ideas, and are looking forward to inflicting them upon you.

For us it’s all about being local … and after all, that’s where we all live.

Over the holiday period, please ponder this nice quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Remo & Melanie Giuffré
On the Road for (17) Days
Sydney > Gundagai (1) > Mildura (1) > Adelaide (1) > Middleton (7) > Tooleybuc (1) > Hay (2) > Kangaroo Valley (4) > Sydney

People of Bondi | Peter Metchev & Anton Rosenberg

People of Bondi | Peter Metchev & Anton Rosenberg

Miss Chu

Miss Chu