Dear Designers, Illustrators & Artists of Bondi ...

Dear Designers, Illustrators & Artists of Bondi ...

Dear Designers, Illustrators & Artists of Bondi,

Help us design a new Bondi Fresh Daily logo!

The one that we’re using is a place keeper, and it might be fun to crowd source some ideas from the community. You can use the Submit Post function HERE.

Maybe make the word BONDI dominant and the words Fresh Daily secondary, the pale blue is nice … but it’s up to you. Go crazy. Have some fun. Browse the blog archive to get a feel of what this is all about.

If we use your design we’ll give you lots of credit … and eventually some merchandise (T Shirts & Note Books) that bear the fruits of your labour.

Once again … submit your ideas as JPEGs HERE.

People of Bondi | Lucy Hinckfuss with Cez

People of Bondi | Lucy Hinckfuss with Cez

People of Bondi Submitted by Tina Bursill

People of Bondi Submitted by Tina Bursill