Estelle Benfield

Estelle Benfield

Estelle Benfield

We stopped for the hat, then had a chat and realised we had met someone who we had never laid eyes on before but felt we had known forever. (It really does pay to tap a stranger on the shoulder!).

And it turns out our sons are surfing mates. You have to love that community.

“The beach connects us all on so many levels! I'm grateful to be part of the colourful tapestry that is our Bondi community ... I came here by chance [from the UK], never for one minute imagining that I would still be here almost 30 years later. But here I am, and I feel lucky!”

Seven Ways Health Centre 10 Year Celebration Tonight!

Seven Ways Health Centre 10 Year Celebration Tonight!

The World’s Greatest Shave

The World’s Greatest Shave