Cr Ludovico Fabiano with Blue and Bob

Cr Ludovico Fabiano with Blue and Bob

Cr Ludovico Fabiano with Blue and Bob

We bumped into Greens Councillor and dog lover Ludovico Fabiano on the promenade recently.

Until recently Ludovico was the Deputy Mayor under Paula Masselos. He has lived in Bondi with his wife Robyn for nearly 30 years and is a passionate advocate for the people of Waverley. He believes in and is working toward neighbourhood friendly planning, supporting the creative communities at Bondi Pavilion and WWAS and introducing waste reduction programmes such as the FOGO programme (that seems to be available in many LGAs but not ours yet).

The Bondi Brick

The Bondi Brick

Street Ceramicist #Cheros_One

Street Ceramicist #Cheros_One