Geoff ‘Dingo’ Driver

Geoff 'Dingo’ Driver
We were walking home along Campbell Parade minding our own business when we heard music wafting out of an open window. It was the sound of someone playing the guitar live. Maybe it was cheeky of us but we called out to the person inside the ground floor apartment to find out what was happening. Luckily most people are nice!
Geoff is a musician, originally from Bondi but now living in Austin, Texas.
He is back in the country for his sister’s Queensland wedding that is happening this week. He was in his friend’s studio in Bondi, on his way there, to learn a song that he will be playing at the wedding.
Geoff was keen to get a photo taken with our dog Olive. They got their jam on.
Watch Geoff’s band, Drover Mad HERE.
Or check him out on Instagram.