Glenn Orgias

Glenn Orgias

Glenn Orgias

Glenn was in the news in 2009 when he was bitten by a shark. The first such incident in Bondi in decades. He seems to take it in his stride.

“I came to Bondi in 2007 when I got engaged to a “born and bred” Bondi local. I loved it immediately. Been here 16 years now. I miss Jeds. I love how there are share surfboards at North Bondi. I love the beach in the late afternoon. Oh, I was bitten by a shark here back in ’09, but it’s not such a biggie. (See!)

I love to surf and write. I love to spend time with my family and to go and see the ocean once a day. 

The first hour of my day I help get the kids ready for school, walking the dog, and drinking coffee with my wife.”

Michelle and Damo

Michelle and Damo

Ali Kilic (Updated)

Ali Kilic (Updated)