Bondi History | Bondi Beach Beauties

Here’s some more Bondi History, but this is much more recent.
Back in 2012, inspired by this talk from Pip Hall delivered at TEDx@Sydney 2012, Melanie formed a synchronised swimming group with some local friends called the “Bondi Beach Beauties”. They even came up with special names for one another. Melanie was “Aquitania”, Winsome was “Coralie”, Kylie was “Starfish”, Anne was “Nemo”, and Dee was “Dee De La Mer”. Collectively, they addressed each other as “Beauties”, and their moves were called: “Walking Wheel”, “Splashing Windmill”, “Hair-Parting Mexican Wave”, “Full Sculpture”, and “Arrow”. (That’s a lot of naming.)
Remo’s only job was to design the logo, and he did so in cahoots with long time REMO collaborator Aivi Juske. Here’s that logo. Sadly, and despite some early enthusiasm, the group petered out for want of a big event to work towards. HERE, for old times sake, are some short videos of the BBBs rehearsing in the Coogee Diggers pool. Maybe again one day?