Jimmy 'BBQ' Fotopoulous

Jimmy 'BBQ' Fotopoulous

Jimmy 'BBQ' Fotopoulous

Jimmy has lived in the same house in North Bondi since 1962. Until 1974 he had a milk bar around the corner at Ben Buckler. Many kids who came in for their milkshakes are still in the area and he still knows and has funny stories about them. Jimmy even got a mention in Larry’s book Happy as Larry.

Jimmy is a well known character in the neighbourhood. Not the least for his community mindedness. He has manned the BBQ at the NBSLSC (best club in the world! [Ed: we won’t attempt his lovely and deeply Greek accent]) for the last 26 years. His PB on the fried eggs is 700 in an hour.

He takes a long time to walk to the shops which are not far as he loves a chat.

In a few weeks he and his wife Mary will celebrate 67 years of marriage. If you ask where Mary is he’ll tell you he can’t walk with her anymore as she’s too fast!

He says his street has changed enormously over the years. It used to be all houses and now most of them have been converted to apartments. More people for him to talk to.

Gina Chick

Gina Chick