Laura Ebeyer and Zac Zinn

Laura Ebeyer and Zac Zinn

Laura Ebeyer and Zac Zinn

Youth today! When you meet the likes of Zac and Laura you realise that the future is going to be in good hands.

We’ve actually known Zac for a long time so it was a pleasure to bump into him recently and to meet Laura.

Zac and Laura met in Melbourne in 2023 where he was studying and she had just finished her anthropology degree. Six months after that meeting he followed her to Alice Springs. Laura had been offered a job as anthropologist for the Central Land Council. Zac found work teaching science at Larapinta Primary School.

Zac has moved back to Melbourne so their relationship will be a long-distance one but with lots of trips between the two places.

We gave Zac the Bondi Observer questions:

What is your Bondi story? 

I’m Bondi born and raised. As a child Bondi was never that spectacular to me, simply because it was all I knew. The beach, the sun, the snorkelling, surfing, nippers, sausage sizzle and the swarms of tourists were always part of the package for me, it was quite simply home and nothing more. It took for me to move away before I began to appreciate how amazing of a place it really is. Each visit to Bondi, nowadays, feels like a paradoxical combination of a holiday and going home all in one. Although I have to now resist falling into becoming a grumpy old local when I see all the new development and tourists… it’s inevitable.

 How do you spend the first hour of your day?

Easy answer. Music, [Ed: Zac is an accomplished, self-taught musician, something that he and Laura share], walk to the beach, get a coffee, have a swim, plan my day, walk home, forget my plan. Rinse and repeat. It somehow never gets old.

 Is there one thing you’d like people to know about you?

I don’t like sitting on the beach. If I’m at the beach I need to be doing activities… swimming, snorkelling, diving, surfing, walking. Sitting on the sand is hot, sweaty and frankly dull. [Ed: if you know Zac’s parents you’d understand the need to move. If it’s not one marathon, it’s another.]

 Tell us about meeting Laura

We met at a birthday party. I approached her and asked her about the selection of cakes. All I remember is walking away from the interaction thinking “Well… I screwed that up”. But 30 minutes later she joined me for conversation and in my eyes we were dating from that moment onwards. Laura took a bit of convincing so for her we were official 2 months after that. Anyway, she’s finally made it to Bondi and understands my passion.

Hastings Parade Turret

Hastings Parade Turret

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Wairoa Avenue Verge