Lleah Smith and Ankit Mishra

Lleah Smith and Ankit Mishra

Lleah Smith and Ankit Mishra

It was really fun to stop and chat with Lleah and Ankit.

Arriving in Bondi during COVID times they are very happy that they took that leap, [it’s a] little bit like not being in Sydney.

Lleah is a curator who was just in the process of finalising her PhD in curating, socially engaged art and education when we met her.

Video producer, director and cinematographer Ankit is the Head of Video for the Daily Telegraph. One of his latest projects is the Embassy Film Festival, showing films of people who have migrated from their home country.

What’s your Bondi Story?

We were lucky to purchase a sweet pad during COVID. It was a risk that paid off. The day we moved in we bought our second dog Monet, the dream when you’re finally a home owner is to paint your walls and have dozens of pets!

How do you spend the first hour of your day?

Yoga - dog walking - coffee on rotation.

Is there one thing you’d like people to know about you?

We’re friendlier than we sometimes look 🤣 if you see us say hi 🙂 [Ed. confirmed!].

Yayoi and Monet

Setting Up

Setting Up

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