REMO Act |||

REMO Act |||

REMO | Act III in Bondi

We have some pretty big news. Are you ready for this?

Buoyed by the success of last year’s campaign to get Remo’s book General Thinker published and out there, we have decided to use Kickstarter to get the REMO General Store back online in Bondi in early 2016.

Today we launched the Kickstarter campaign for REMO Act III in Bondi.

Check it out HERE.

We hope that we’re going to get all of you Bondi Fresh Daily subscribers to accompany us on this next leg of the REMO journey … and, even if you don’t kick in to the campaign yourself, we would ask you to spread the word as far and as widely as you can, via facebook, twitter, email, word of mouth, whatever … Please drive people to this link:

It’s been a few years since we were out there and serving CustOMERs … and we finally feel ready for what will be Act III of the REMO General Story. This time we’re going to operate a global direct-to-customer online service from our home and garage here, very near to the beach, in Bondi; super local and authentic … but very special. We’re excited about it.

Yes indeed. Mom & Pop are back in the saddle (mostly Mom actually) with a simplified REMO brand only offer, and you get to deal directly with the founders.

Once again, please check out our new kickstarter campaign HERE.


Remo & Melanie

 ‘Listen time passes’

‘Listen time passes’

‘Cradle of form’

‘Cradle of form’