Michael Davis and Andrew Logan

Michael Davis and Andrew Logan

Michael Davis and Andrew Logan

Meet Mr Fabulous and Mr Fabulous!

These two have been visiting from the UK catching up with old friends in Bondi and around abouts.

Michael, on the left is an architect and Andrew is a prolific maker of art from small wearable pieces to giant public works.

In 1991 they opened the Andrew Logan Museum of Sculpture (ALMoS) in Wales. Designed by Michael it was a long held dream of theirs to open a “space to display examples of work [Andrew] had created over the decades and to stage events that would share his vision and skill for curating performance and spectacle”.

It is the only museum in Europe dedicated to a living artist.

Evie and 'Big Wave' Billy Wheeler

Evie and 'Big Wave' Billy Wheeler

Eden Skywalker

Eden Skywalker