People of Bondi | Annika and Benny Weller

People of Bondi | Annika and Benny Weller

People of Bondi | Annika and Benny Weller

Annika loves Benny and Benny loves Annika! 

These two came to stay with us as house guests about a year ago and had their love for Bondi reconfirmed.  They both work in the advertising industry, and had spent time here in Sydney previously, before deciding to give Europe another go. That didn’t feel right and so they have decided to move here permanently.

In November they arrived back from Germany, and have since both found work in the creative industry, and a place of their very own to rent on O’Brien Street.

Everything is falling into place.

Timely Repost

Timely Repost

Old School v. New School

Old School v. New School