People of Bondi | Cate Hickson with Scarlett

People of Bondi | Cate Hickson with Scarlett

People of Bondi | Cate Hickson with Scarlett

Cate adopted her beloved Scarlett about 3 years ago after she (Scarlett!) had fallen on hard times. Scarlett had grown up in South Bondi and is still known and recognised by the locals who are always pleased to see how well she is doing.

These days Cate is mostly painting in her studio on Brighton Boulevard. She also runs Art Observation programs at Sydney University and works as a guide at AGNSW

Cate is ALSO teaching yoga privately in North Bondi after a life-long practice. Somehow Cate still finds time to get up to her other place in Scone every now and again.

“What I love about Bondi is being able to have great conversations with locals every time we head out for a stroll, a swim or chores. Everybody is friendly, positive and interesting … and interested! I love the village. I also love the sounds and moods of the sea, the coastal landscape and that calming horizon.”

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