People of Bondi | Frankie Hossack

People of Bondi | Frankie Hossack

People of Bondi | Frankie Hossack

Frankie has just finished her Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in sociology. 

We have known Frankie for coming on a fair few years now. She and Lola, our eldest, were at school together.

We bumped into Frankie yesterday as she was getting ready for the afternoon’s art class at Blank Canvas Arstcool. She was running the classes for a few days to help out her mum Daryl who was away.

(One of our Bondi favourites, Daryl was among the first Bondi profiles we ran last year. See HERE.)

We asked Frankie what she likes about living in Bondi and what was the happiest day of her life. This is what she had to say.

What does she like about living in Bondi? “9.30am vinyasa at Power Living and then going to Bondi Markets on a Saturday morning for corn fritters and chai.

And I like that I can wear activewear without feeling guilty about not actually working out.”

And the happiest day of her life? “Ooh happiest day of my life, that is a hard one to pin down … A cool moment I’m fond of is snorkelling and swimming to a beach in Thailand that only exists for 2 hours everyday, before the water washes over covering the sand again.”

We love Frankie. And we think those lucky kids at Blank Canvas are quite fond of her too.

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