People of Bondi | Janne Ryan
People of Bondi | Janne Ryan
Janne has lived in Bondi, on and off, since 1989. Remo caught up with her at bills in Bondi.
She is: “totally in love with Bondi’s big horizon, especially at night when the spectacular starry sky lights up.”
Janne has a many and varied work life, seamlessly (or so it seems) blending her life’s interests with her professional activities. She is currently working on a gaming app start-up, and with her Creative Music Fund, on Dance Rites, in partnership with the Sydney Opera House. She was the founding Head of Curation for TEDxSydney and until recently was the producer of Radio National’s By Design programme. Phew. She doesn’t mind being busy.
Says Janne: “Each day brings that intangible element, happiness, mostly fleeting … a brief but wonderful moment.”