People of Bondi | Jennifer Jones

People of Bondi | Jennifer Jones

Bondi Fresh Daily hasn’t been lazy. Bondi Fresh Daily has been busy! 

This will be the last post for the year, so we wanted to go out with a bit of a bang.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you all! We’ll be back in January.

People of Bondi | Jennifer Jones

Meet Jennifer Jones of the new Jones & Co on Jacques Avenue, just off Hall Street. (If you have a dog they will sniff their way there as it’s where the very-generous-with-treats Bowhouse used to be.)

Jennifer lives in North Bondi. She started her business in 2006 and has lived in Bondi since 2008.

“I moved here on my own when I was newly single and I just love how welcoming it is. It’s a real community and I have always felt embraced by the people. It’s spontaneous, cheeky, stunningly gorgeous and there is nothing that the ocean can’t fix!

I met my husband here, we got pregnant here, this year we had our baby and opened our store! Bondi has been the background for our little family’s life and we love it.”

Q: What has been the happiest day of your life?

“The happiest day of my life was at our week long wedding party in Thailand. We spent a week with 50 of our best friends and family in Phuket. One day we hired a beautiful wooden boat and spent the day sailing around the islands. The tunes were playing, everyone was dancing or diving off the side into warm crystal water, we had an amazing seafood BBQ and sailed back to shore at sunset. Definitely the best day of my life hands down!”

Back in Bondi with a Bang

Back in Bondi with a Bang

A Fruity Christmas

A Fruity Christmas