People of Bondi | Jordi Ortin

People of Bondi | Jordi Ortin

People of Bondi | Jordi Ortin

Jordi came to Australia from Barcelona because he wanted to learn to speak English (tick!) and how to surf. He has lived in Bondi for 11 years and is a ferry driver.

We bumped into him as he was practising his handstands at the muscle park next to the NBSLSC.

Jordi suffered a terrible burn when he was 7 years old. “We had set up an electrical stove with a sauce pan with boiling water and eucalyptus leaves to humidify the living room at home to help my younger sister to breathe better as she had a cold and her nose was blocked. I had the task of vacuuming the living room that evening. I was vacuuming on all fours, the cable of the vacuum cleaner got stuck with the chair where the saucepan was sitting. I wasn’t aware so I just pulled the cable without looking and spilled that boiling water on me. I had third degree burns, had to get skin grafts done and spend about two months in hospital.

When we expressed sympathy for that 7 year old boy he explained that trauma was really his parents’. We can well imagine.

Pricey Bit of Real Estate

Pricey Bit of Real Estate

People of Bondi | Mark Philp

People of Bondi | Mark Philp