People of Bondi | Ranni Rabadi

People of Bondi | Ranni Rabadi

People of Bondi | Ranni Rabadi

Ranni has lived in Bondi for the last five years. He is now right at the beach, having sampled North Bondi and other parts of the neighbourhood. 

He works for ANZ as a software developer and is also studying artificial intelligence at UNSW.

Ranni has volunteered for the last four years as a Lifesaver for the Bondi Club, “it’s a great club with great people”

When asked what he loves about Bondi he offers, “the people! Bondi has a village feel, everyone you meet has a great vibe, big smiles everywhere. I’ve met so many great people, and continue to.

And, of course, the reason why I moved here in the first place, the beach! I took up surfing a few years ago and decided it’s something I want to do everyday.  And now here I am, surfing everyday!”

Ranni’s a happy guy!



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