People of Bondi | Sophie and Christian

People of Bondi | Sophie and Christian

People of Bondi | Sophie and Christian

Sophie and Christian moved into Lamrock Avenue 3 weeks ago and will be here for 6 months.

Visiting from Hamburg in Germany, she is a corporate lawyer (DLA Piper) and he is doing his PhD on the circular economy.

Here they are enjoying their tea and coffee from their local cafe, Birichina (using their own cups) … and taking in their new horizon.

We know other Germans who came temporarily but have now moved here permanently. Just saying.

Art on the Promenade | @CobreArt/Andrés Petroselli

Art on the Promenade | @CobreArt/Andrés Petroselli

Let's Go Surfing International Women's Day Event

Let's Go Surfing International Women's Day Event