People of Bondi | Stefano Moretti

People of Bondi | Stefano Moretti

People of Bondi | Stefano Moretti

We bumped into Stefano this evening as he was walking his flatmate’s dog. (That’s the kind of flatmate you need.)

Stefano is originally from Italy but has lived here in Bondi for 4 years which he loves because he is near the beach. He also loves “the mood of the people, it’s very relaxed. It’s got lots of services but it’s not crazy like the city,” [ed: imagine Italian accent].

He is being sponsored by a company that has a café in Mosman that he manages. So that’s where he commutes to everyday.

New Mermaid Mural

New Mermaid Mural

New Art by Jenny McCracken and Anton Pulvirenti

New Art by Jenny McCracken and Anton Pulvirenti