Sean Cavanugh

Sean Cavanugh

Sean Cavanugh

You never know what kind of conversations you’re going to get into when you wander home post morning exercise. We were wearing a YES T Shirt which caught Sean’s eye, and from there we got into a lovely chat about why, of course, we would be voting YES in the referendum.

It turns out also that Sean’s family has been here since before there was housing on the sand dunes, and so, of course, we were curious about his Bondi story.

“I was born in Bondi in 1966. My parents and grandparents were all living here. I learnt to surf in the north corner with life long friends, played footy for Bondi United, as a grom, watched surfing royalty, Ant Corrigan, Cheyenne, Richard Cram. I played footy with Ormie Garland , Matt Bourke and the Pinkerton Brothers!

The joy of youth in a beautiful time that was Scum Valley.”

These days still-local Sean is a house painter with his own business: Painstscape Designs.

If you’re interested, Matthew Elks’ Scum Valley is an account of the sometimes decadent surfing subculture of the 80s and 90s before us yuppies got our hooks into the place.

Happy Anniversary Bushy and Beachy!

Happy Anniversary Bushy and Beachy!

Sam de Teliga

Sam de Teliga