Sondi Beram
Sondi Beram
This Bondi icon (yes Sondie, icon!) is starting a new chapter. As of 8 August she and dog Barney will no longer be found on the service side of bRU, the café she has owned and run for the last 10 years. She’ll be instead sipping har chai and communing with the community that she has been such a strong and beloved part of.
Sondi puts her actions where her mouth is. Under her leadership bRU became the first café in Australia to get rid of single use coffee cups. Her sustainable business practises have made her a role model.
Sondi has sold the business to Jemal Murat. Jemal is from North Queensland’s family run, Australian owned coffee farm Jack Murat Coffee.
But what will she do next?
The first thing I will do is have a well earned rest and a trip to Nepal. Not sure what next. What I do know, as cliché as it sounds, is I’d like to keep giving back to the community that has given me so so much.
Oh wow … proudest achievement would have to be being the first cafe in Australia to go 100% single cup free and watching a wonderful community embrace it and come along for the ride. I’d have to also say the Waverley Council garbage truck. Never thought I’d be so proud of having my photo plastered all over a garbage truck 🤣.
What to say … thank you. It’s been a privilege and an honour to serve ❤️❤️
Jemal has big shoes to fill.
Sondi on the side of a truck
bRU cup library