Stacy N Henderson

Stacy N Henderson

Stacy N Henderson

If you spend any time on the promenade you’ll come across Stacy. And he’ll most likely be chatting to someone, on the phone or IRL. He’s the very definition of personable!

“I’ve lived in Bondi for 20 years now. Although I usually switch to the northern hemisphere for the 5 cold months in the middle of the year. Eternal summer!

Bondi’s all about the beach for me 🏖️

The first hour of each day is always meditation and yoga from 5am. 🧘

One thing I’d like people to know about me?

I’m involved in a ton of local communities and my favourite thing is to connect people with matching values and complementary skill sets. So if you see me around, tell me what you’re trying to get done and I’ll help you do it faster. 🚀”

Bondi Junction Tragedy

Bondi Junction Tragedy

Corner Murriverie Road and Mitchell Street 1930

Corner Murriverie Road and Mitchell Street 1930