Susan McHattie

Susan McHattie

Susan McHattie

We first became aware of Susan, another pool stalwart, during last year’s ill fated First Nations Voice to Parliament Referendum. Susan was a strong advocate for YES. She organised rallying groups. The YES letters the group created and carried have now been acquired by the Powerhouse Museum.

In her day job Susan consults on strategy and creates road maps to structural change for large organisations like Sydney University and Sydney Water. She brings process and that was evident during the campaign.

Susan’s husband grew up in Bondi. They have lived here together since 2009.

She comes to the pool as many days as possible, mostly with her swim buddy Johnathan Nolan. She finds it grounding. You see seasons shift. The white paint reflects the warmth of the sun and creates a sun bath. Even in winter. It brings joy.

 New South Wales Mounted Police Unit

New South Wales Mounted Police Unit

Maria Valdes

Maria Valdes