Bondi Local | Hector Martinez

Bondi Local | Hector Martinez

Bondi Local | Hector Martinez

Hector Martinez is the founder of the Bondi Football Academy and a former Argentinean International footballer. Hector generously transfers his wealth of experience to the young players in his Academy, and has produced over 30 Internationals, including Socceroos Tim Cahill and Massimo Luongo. Hector trains his kids on the soft sand of Bondi Beach. You will often see him there with a big bag of balls, surrounded by lots of very young football players.

Our son Roman trained with Hector when he was a youngster … as did many others in the Eastern Suburbs. Hector never forgets to ask after any of his many alumni, and is a cheerful icon of our beachside community.

Melanie spoke to Hector on the beach.


What’s your story Hector?

I was born in 1952 and grew up poor on the streets of Rosario in Argentina. Football was the air that we breathed. In my house we had to love three things: God, Boca Juniors [a local football club] and Peron! I never owned a football but used to make them out of women’s stockings.

When I was 15 a friend convinced me to trial for both Boca Juniors and River Plate [competing club]. I went one afternoon wearing shoes that had more holes than all the golf courses in Australia.

Anyway to cut the story short I ended up going to River Plate. My father was not happy. He even kicked me out of home! I went and played a game in front of 60,000 people in the main stadium before the main game. It was under 21s and I was only 15. We lost 7-1. I only played for 7 minutes but scored the only goal. So I got a call back to come and be with them. I did that and then I signed with them, and then I was loaned to Atlanta [first division club] where I stayed. At 17 I played for Argentina in the Misiones Cup, a major tournament. I was the top scorer at 5 goals, in victories over Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay.  

In 1974 I was asked to come here to play for Pan Hellenic [now Sydney Olympic]. I was offered contracts from other parts of the world, but I decided to come over here and I loved it. I’ve been here 40 years. I love my Aussie country.

How did you get the idea to teach your football skills here in Bondi?

I knew that the combination of my skills with the beach was special. I remember one day very vividly. Mr Kerry Packer and his wife were walking along the beach in summer. I was living on Hall Street. I came down with a ball, and I was running with the ball from the south to the north and back … juggling. Kerry Packer thought I was nuts. He said to me “are you crazy, how do you do that?”

How did the Bondi Football Academy come about?

Every time I came to the beach I saw kids. As soon as they saw me with a football they would come running and want to kick a ball with me. By 1989 I was helping kids all the time. Their parents, especially those of Greek or Italian background, would ask me why don’t I coach the kids? So I said yeah. I used to come here and teach the kids, and I did it for nothing, for no money whatsoever. I think this is why my wife divorced me.

Anyway, A LOT of people brought their kids. So, in 1998 I formed a company … Bondi Soccer Academy, now Bondi Football Academy. It’s been very successful from a results point of view. I develop players in the park, and then I bring them for 1 or 2 days training on the sand because it’s very healthy for them.  (And in Bondi, what a place!) By doing that I manage to make international players. I had Timmy Cahill here. Craig Foster. Also Massimo Luongo [current Socceroo] … from the age of 5 I’ve been coaching him; and Panos Armenakas from the age of 4.  

Is there something about the training on the sand that is beneficial?

Yes, it gives confidence in learning how to fall. Watching kids do diving headers, flying on the air. It’s just amazing! Also there’s the fitness factor. The effort equals almost 3 times what you do on the grass. So for fitness, one week here equals 3 on the grass. I give each kids individual time. So I’m teaching them individualism as well as to be team members. It’s a great thing for life. They don’t have to be footballers, they don’t have to play football. I’ve worked with so many kids in the Eastern Suburbs, Nicole Kidman’s kids, Andrew Denton’s son, and many more …

You know everybody. While we’ve been talking, practically everyone has stopped to say hi or hug you. Why is that?

Football is just so special. Any sport is good. And when you coach children it’s about giving them the respect that they deserve. And treating them as children and giving them the space and the place to be themselves. Never coach them to be aggressive. Just let them be themselves. I believe in that.

Any future stars?

We have coached over 30 international players. I don’t think any other academy has done that. One of our kids, Sebastien Cohello, is going to trial with Arsenal. And there’s Raphael who’s also going to trial with Arsenal. And I’ve got Giordano going to Manchester. I make some recommendations for these places, but there’s no money involved.

You obviously love what you do.

Yes, I love what I do. I’m so proud of this. I’m proud of the Council. The only problem I have is when it rains! When it rains kids cannot do anything so they go back to doing the usual things they like to do. If we were able to have an indoor facility, then I would have the kids in there. Maybe one day!

Favourite places in Bondi? Do you eat anywhere special?

I like everything in Bondi. I don’t have a favourite. Icebergs [Dining Room and Bar] is just an unbelievable place. I like to go there. I like to go and see my mate Maurice [Terzini] in the restaurant. He’s a good guy. He’s going to bring his boy [Cesar] to me. I’m a member of the [Icebergs] Club, and a member of the North Bondi RSL as well. I like the Lamrock Café and Ravesi’s.

Any other interests?

I’m a member of World Kindness Australia. Mr Michael Loyd-White is the Chairman, and the man who is behind the World Kindness Movement. I am an ambassador for football. I’m very proud of that. Everyone should come along on the 13th of November for Big Hug Day!

Do you have a motto?

I get emotional about this. It’s a very important question for me. I believe always in “banking in the bank of life.” Because the benefits you get are unbelievable. And by doing that people just come and say hello, so nice to see you! There’s no price for that.

Anything else you’d like to say?

Australia is the best country in the world, and I have no doubt in saying that because I’ve been everywhere, and I could have stayed anywhere,  but I said no, I’m coming back to Australia. It’s by far the best.


Full interview on SoundCloud below or HERE

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