Visiting Bondi | Stacey

Visiting Bondi | Stacey
Stacey and her boyfriend are from the UK and arrived in Australia recently to begin the tour of Australia that Stacey has been dreaming about and planning for many years.
Stacey works in HR and will work en route (wifi permitting). Her boyfriend was working in tech but was made redundant the day before they left home. Perfect!
They have travelled the east coast already but are keen to go west (BO told them that they will probably have seen more of the country than most of our countrymen/women once they hit the Blue Mountains) and are looking forward to getting to the South Australian coast and then across to Western Australia.
They picked up their very smart looking van a week ago having had it retro fitted into very comfy looking living quarters. Stacey very sweetly took a photo for us of the interior even though it hadn’t yet been made up for the day.
BO is jealous.