Waverley Says YES to The Voice

Waverley Says YES to The Voice

Waverley Says YES to The Voice

Waverley Council organised a community barbecue at the Pavilion last Saturday to raise awareness and build support for Waverley Says YES.

An invitation from First Nations Peoples issued to all Australians on 26 May 2017, the Uluru Statement from the Heart asks for both a Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution and truth-telling about our First Nations history. This will be put to a referendum later this year.

Aunty Barb Simms did a thought provoking welcome to country. Hosted by Waverley Mayor Paula Masselos, speakers included Senator the Hon Tim Ayres, Indigenous lawyer, Eddie Synot and Allegra Spender MP.

If anyone knows who the unnamed faces are please email us at contact@bondiobserver.com

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Visiting Bondi | Isabella Leone

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