World Premiere of The Pool Film

World Premiere of The Pool Film

Tina Lawrence

Remo Giuffre and Rex John Walsh

Charlie and Caroline Hireme

Russell Cheek and Karen Garman

Alan Gow and daughter Stephanie Gow

Andrew Mackie and Belinda Holmes

President of the Bondi Surf Club Brent Jackson.

Just off the red carpet Annie Parnell with her dad John Parnell (who was at the very first SFF 71 years ago!)

Bec Key (to the right) watching Bec Key on screen

Q and A time

World Premiere of The Pool Film

Well wasn’t that a fun night?

Ian Darling’s film The Pool had its world premiere at the wondrous State Theatre as part of the Sydney Film Festival last Saturday night.

We all gathered at the Arthouse Hotel on Pitt Street before being marshalled (whistles were involved) around the corner to the red carpet for opening night photos. Being more used to seeing this group of people with very little clothing, it was fun to see everyone dressed to the nines.

The pool looked stunningly gorgeous in the film thanks to cinematographer Ben Cunningham and you do get a sense that this is a place of community . Go see for yourselves if you get a chance. The last session of the film is sold out at the Randwick Ritz.

Games Night

Games Night

Willa Ott and Lucy Cutts

Willa Ott and Lucy Cutts