People of Bondi | Mim Puc

People of Bondi | Mim Puc

People of Bondi | Mim Puc

Mim has lived in Bondi since 1998 and when we asked her about her to attachment to the place this is what she had to say:

“Bondi Beach is my Heaven on Earth. I travelled the world looking for a place that equalled or bettered Bondi Beach, and after 10 years concluded that Bondi Beach was it! I have stopped searching and can concentrate on other more important aspects of my life, now. If I was told I wasn’t allowed to leave the 2026 postcode, I’d be the happiest person alive!

I am suppose to be writing a table tennis court report right now, but given the glorious sunshine and happy vibes out and about, I went down to the beach to not only top-up on my autumn tan, but hang out with all my fish friends instead. I also love sharing my front yard with the rest of the world. Speaking of which, I can’t wait to participate at a meditation event with the Gyotu Monks of Tibet at Bondi Pavillion. Who needs to travel when one lives on Bondi Beach? I mean, even magic gets delivered on your front door!”

PS: Mim has the best collection of swimsuits around.

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