Jim Parry

Jim Parry

Jim Parry

If you’ve been reading Bondi Observer for long enough you’ll know that we are attracted to a bit of colour. In this case we did a bit of a double take as he looked a bit like one half of BO, i.e. resplendent in yellow jacket and black beanie. It turns out, as it often does in communities like ours, we already knew of each other and have a number of mutual friends and acquaintances. Indeed his reputation as the go to guy for a bit of creative branding precedes him.

He lives with his wife and children on Cox Avenue, which is a lovely little Bondi oasis.

I’ve lived here on and off for 24 years. I spend the first hour of every day drinking a coffee on the steps in front of the pavilion and I then walk the prom and prepare for the day ahead as a branding designer.

To know more about Jim’s day job go HERE.

Looking South at Night

Looking South at Night

Annie and Elke Anning

Annie and Elke Anning