Jino van Bruinessen and Meg Murray's Sand Sculpture

Jino van Bruinessen and Meg Murray's Sand Sculpture

Jino van Bruinessen and Meg Murray spent several days working on this promotion for a new exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW. 

Jina and Meg have managed to capture, in sand, the intimacy of the Rodin’s original, The Kiss.

The exhibition, Nude: Art from the Tate Collection, opens tomorrow.

As an aside, Jino is the current sand sculpting world champion. And Meg, who is also a fine artist, was the Australian champion a few years ago.

Roscoe Street Mural

Roscoe Street Mural

Sbo, Lubabalo, Sonwabile and Mesuli

Sbo, Lubabalo, Sonwabile and Mesuli