Lenny Opai

Lenny Opai

Lenny Opai

We regularly see Lenny in the sauna at the Icebergs Pool. A gentle soul, he is always good for a chat. Which fits really as Lenny has been well known in the bar scene for quite some time now. He’s a people person.

Lenny has been Bar Manager at Icebergs Dining Room and Bar for over 10 years. Prior to that he had been at another iconic Sydney institution, the Bayswater Brasserie.

I came down to work at Icebergs (Dining Room and Bar) in October of 2012 after spending 10 years at Bayswater Brasserie in the Cross and have been here since. What motivates me? I’m motivated by happy/healthy living, trying to be a good role model for my son and spending time with family. I generally spend the first hour of my day at the beach either swimming, running on the sand or doing some sort of exercise/stretching. One thing people should know about me is I’m most at peace in, on and around the ocean.”

Wake Up!

Wake Up!

Bondi Beach taken from an RAAF aircraft in 1940

Bondi Beach taken from an RAAF aircraft in 1940