Lola Pinder and Dasha Ross

Lola Pinder and Dasha Ross

Lola Pinder and Dasha Ross

Mother and daughter duo had an early morning date last Friday in front of the pavilion. They were there for the 26 January Dawn Reflection ceremony. “That was the Bondi Community at one of its finest moments. And it was wonderful to share it with my daughter, Lola”.

Lola works with Bangarra Dance Theatre and is a “saltwater girl, Bondi Beach born and raised so feels strongly about being part of this community.” 

Dasha’s Bondi Story

“I was seduced by Bondi Beach the moment I clapped eyes on it and moved in. I have remained madly in love with it ever since. That was 40 years ago when It was a much wilder, rundown and woollier 'hood. Gangsta Abe Saffron owned a nite club on our block that never closed and you could buy hashish on your credit card. 

I’ve now outlived 2 husbands, and 2 dogs in Bondi; can’t think of anywhere else I could ever ever live because these are a few of my favourite things - 

daily plunges in the Icebergs pool, listening in to tall tales in the sauna, Andrews's perfect lattes at the Crabbe Hole Cafe, the parading on the Promenade, swimming at the north end, events at the refurbished Pavillion, martinis at Icebergs bar, the Brazilian Samba drummers on the beach on Sundays, Gertrude & Alice bookshop, eating mussels at Gelbison’s”.

First hour of the day

“I'm gripped by media and politics so the first hour of my day is often spent with a cup of ginger tea scrolling  through- Crikey, the Post, the SMH,  Guardian Australia, the New York Times, Haaretz and the New Daily. Sometimes while listening to ABC RN breakfast radio. Then off for a swim at the Icebergs to wash it all away”. 


“I still believe that I will stumble across the pot of gold at the foot of the rainbow.

Maybe it will happen when my book is published by Valentine Press in the middle of this year. 

BIG TROUBLE COMING- An Accidental Adventure of Love and Mayhem in Sri Lanka.

It’s a comic memoir about my husband and I running a Faulty Palms, beach hotel in Sri Lanka. 

Keep an eye out for it!”

Bondi History | The Astra

Bondi History | The Astra

Three Generations at North Bondi Grocer

Three Generations at North Bondi Grocer