Nicole, Ange, Floyd and Rosie

Nicole, Ange, Floyd and Rosie

Nicole, Ange, Floyd and Rosie

Invariably if we get chatting to people with dogs the subject of off-lead space comes up. And so it was this morning with Nicole and Ange. There are so many dogs in our neighbourhood but getting to a place to let them run can be difficult. But it is so necessary for their development and well being.

The rangers have been “diligent” recently and many people have been fined.

Timed off-lead periods would work. Or perhaps the park between the playground and the car park (Covid park as it has become known!) might be suitable as a 24 hour off lead space.

Anyway, there must be some kind of compromise possible.

Remo Giuffré and Alexia Spalding

Remo Giuffré and Alexia Spalding

Footpath Signage

Footpath Signage