People of Bondi | Angela Beazley

People of Bondi | Angela Beazley

People of Bondi | Angela Beazley

Angela has worked for Waverley Council for 11 years as a “waste enforcement officer”. During the summer months she does double duty as a casual ranger. This involves walking along the coast from Bronte to Bondi … and keeping her eyes peeled for off-leash dogs and abandoned poo transgressions. [Ed: Nice work if you can get it.] And indeed … she loves her job!

“It’s lovely to meet nice people … and some nice dogs!”

Angela has lived in Waverley for 36 years, but still has a teeny bit of an English accent. She loves everything about Bondi, and calls it “the most beautiful beach in the world” and what’s more has “travelled extensively to all the famous coastal spots: Bali, Italy, Tahiti, France, etc.” … so she knows what she’s talking about.

Flamingo Mural Detail

Flamingo Mural Detail

Hello Grassy Knoll!

Hello Grassy Knoll!