Hello Grassy Knoll!

Hello Grassy Knoll!

This is embarrassing to admit but Bondi Fresh Daily stood and waited for 10 whole minutes for the electronic sign at the North Bondi RSL to cycle all the way through its sequenced graphics so that we could take this photo. All because we liked the idea that they were doing a shout out to the “grassy knoll” (aka the verge at the north end of the beach that looks over the baby pool). In the meantime we had to watch as the sign scrolled through all the week’s offerings from ABBA and Beatles nights to pizza and prawns. And ice at only $5 per bag! Oh my God, there is a lot going on at that club.
PS: Check out the time and temperature.

People of Bondi | Angela Beazley

People of Bondi | Angela Beazley

Let’s Go Surfing Rashies

Let’s Go Surfing Rashies