People of Bondi | Ike

People of Bondi | Ike

People of Bondi | Ike

This little tike REALLY wanted a particular new toy and figured the only way to raise that sort of cash was to sell some stocks and bonds (or cars, chocolates and plants).

Lucky his dad is very handy with a tool and a bit of wood and before long Ike’s Shop was up and trading last Saturday.

We think he did very well because, like, who could refuse Ike?

Ike has lived in Bondi his entire life. He loves the beach, “and well, everything!” He also loves his neighbours.

When asked what was the happiest day of his life, this four year old didn’t have to think for long. Getting to use his pocket money for the first time is what sprung to mind. Using that money to buy something that he had his heart set on was a pretty special day. 

Young American Presbyterians

Young American Presbyterians

4.30pm Monday 25 July

4.30pm Monday 25 July