Awe and Wonder

Awe and Wonder

Awe and Wonder

We had a couple of events yesterday that tend to give humans that feeling of connection to the world beyond their own existence.

For most of the morning a large pod of dolphins made the bay their playground.

At the other end of the day and after a few storms rolled through, this rainbow appeared.

We bumped into co-founder of erstwhile Earth Food Store (aka UMU, a Bondi institution if ever there was one) Caroline Attwooll enjoying the moment.

You are always going to be alerted to any of these events by the groups of people stopping what they are doing to bear witness. So keep a look out for the lookouts.

Fluro Friday 10th Birthday Celebrations

Fluro Friday 10th Birthday Celebrations

Easty Beasty Mural at the Biddigal Reserve

Easty Beasty Mural at the Biddigal Reserve