Diana Prichard and Nina

Diana Prichard and Nina

Diana Prichard and Nina

Long time Bondi resident Diana Prichard moved to the Northern Rivers just before the terrible floods of 2022. Diana and her husband Ed were not directly affected but they did witness first hand the devastation for all of those who were.

Since then she and Ed have created a lovely life up there but that’s not to say that she doesn’t miss living in Bondi (because she does!).

What is it that you miss about this place?

“The transformative nature of the beach - I’d go down to the water tired/foggy/bit grumpy, then dive under a wave and pop out the other side energised/clear-headed/bit chirpy! I miss living near the ocean, even to just look at it - so calming, beautiful, ever-changing and meditative.

Living in Bondi was like being on a never-ending holiday with everything a short stroll away - cultural and community events at the Pav, bistro meals at the RSL and ‘bergs, snorkelling at the boat ramp... It was always exciting returning from holidays to our next holiday at home!

Bondi exudes the feeling that anything’s possible, and inspired me on so many levels - especially creatively - giving me confidence to have a go. Maybe this feeling comes from the sense of joy, freedom and optimism found in a sunny seaside setting? 

My family and friends. I miss my boys dropping in unexpectedly for a chat/meal/sleepover/car keys… And I miss my old Bondi neighbourhood and friends, who are a part of my fabric - the warp to my weft! I’d like to grow old with them, their warp wearing out my weft as we become like beautiful Persian rugs that only improve with age…”

Is there one thing that you’d like people to know about you?

“I’ll swap my home in Lismore Heights for a home back in Bondi. Bargain.”

I think she’s serious!

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Matthew and Eric

Matthew and Eric