Ruud Spierings

Ruud Spierings

Ruud Spierings

We caught up with Ruud as he was coming out the surf on a dark and stormy afternoon last week. He had been out the back while his daughter Coco (a grom in the making) was getting a lesson closer to shore.

His black and white surf board stood out against the backdrop of the ominous looking sky.

We at Bondi Observer are readily distracted by a play on colour and pattern but felt there was more to the story.

Ruud is originally from the Netherlands as is his wife Desiree. Not only that but they are from the same town but it took coming here to the other side of the globe for them to meet. And not only do they now have four young children, this dynamic Dutch duo each run their own businesses. Ruud is a digital marketer and after many years working for the biggest media sales house has started his own company: All Social. Desiree is a relationships counsellor and sex therapist and runs online courses at Relationship Wellness.

 What is your Bondi Story?

Originally from The Netherlands, I arrived in Australia in April 2005, nearly 20 years ago now. I came as a traditional European Backpacker, after graduating from university, but then I met Desiree, the love of my life. We now have 13 year old Hugo, 12 year old Brynn, 10 year old Tymen and 6 year old Coco. They are all mad surfers (Ed: see their Instagram page HERE) and are in the ocean every day. We have lived in Bondi the entire 20+ years, with a stint in Coogee for 3 years in the middle.

 How do you spend the first hour of your day?

We wake up at 5:45am, and the boys get ready for a surf. I drive them to the beach, then straight back for a shower and coffee run for me and Desiree. She then picks up the boys, who get changed in the parking lot for school and drops them off at school. I usually drop off Coco at her school. This process repeats, but in reverse, in the afternoon. 😊

 Is there one thing you’d like people to know about you? 

I am beyond grateful to be able to live in Australia, and call this beautiful place home.

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